Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT) is a modern form of relationship therapy that has proven to be highly effective in practice: scientific research shows that IBCT increases relationship satisfaction, reduces relationship problems, and helps partners communicate better with each other (Dijkstra, 2017).
Many relationship issues stem from differences between partners that are either not accepted or difficult to change. Unlike other forms of relationship therapy, IBCT helps couples first to better understand each other and, where possible, to accept these differences. Then, attention is given to what couples are willing and able to change in their relationship, and work is done on those aspects. This combination of acceptance and change is unique and characteristic of IBCT.
You can contact me ( for IBCT Relationship Therapy in English or Dutch.
I also specifically support LGBTQ+ couples in strengthening their relationship(s). This is important to me because more attention should be given in healthcare to the unique challenges, needs, and experiences you face as a couple. I am flexible in my approach, acknowledging that these relationships are not always traditional in structure. Often, they consist of more than two people, such as in polyamorous or open relationships.
Important themes that may be addressed include:
• Minority stress: due to societal discrimination, stigma, or the feeling of not being accepted. This can lead to additional tension in your relationship and impact your mental health.
• Identity and acceptance: Within your relationship, you may differ as partners in the extent to which you have accepted your sexual orientation or gender identity, which can cause tension. This may, for example, arise in coming-out issues.
• Legal and social inequality: As an LGBTQ+ couple, you may face various legal challenges, such as adoption or marriage rights, which present unique relational and practical obstacles that heterosexual couples often do not experience in the same way.
• Invisible dynamics: As an LGBTQ+ couple, you may experience issues that are less visible to the outside world, such as the internalization of negative societal views or microaggressions, which can put pressure on your relationship.
Due to these and other unique challenges, LGBTQ+ couples deserve specific attention within IBCT relationship therapy.
After joint and individual intake sessions, therapy typically consists of 10 sessions. As a couple, you can choose to have sessions at my practice in the Arnhem/Zevenaar area, at another location or via Teams/online. Feel free to contact me for more information or to schedule an appointment!